Nutrition Guide: 


2-3 hours before exercise: Drink 17 to 20 ounces of water or sports drink. 

10-20 minutes before exercise: Drink 7 to 10 ounces of water or sports drink. 

During exercise: Drink 3 to 6 ounces of sports drink every 20 minutes. 

Post-exercise: Drink 24 ounces of water or sports drink for every pound lost, and within two hours drink enough to replace any weight lost from exercise.


1. Eat minimally processed foods. Limit foods with added sugar, trans fats and sat. fat. 

2. Eat a rainbow. Choose a variety of fruits and vegetables. 

3. Choose lean proteins. Have lean protein with each meal. 

4. Choose healthy fats. Include healthy fats such as olive oil, flaxseed, fish, avocados, nuts and seeds. 

5. Choose Whole-Grain Carbohydrates. Whole grains are rich in fiber and nutrients that fuel your body. 

6. Eat breakfast every day. “Break the fast” and kick-start your metabolism with protein, carbohydrates and fluids. 

7. Fuel for your training. Don’t skip meals. 

8. Stay hydrated. Dehydration equals decreased performance! Women should drink approximately 2.7 liters of fluid a day, and men should drink approximately 3.7 liters of fluid and/or sports drink a day. 

9. Recover. Have a recovery drink with a 4-1 ratio of carbohydrate to protein within 30 minutes of exercise. Eat a balanced meal within two hours. 

10. Sleep. Get six to eight hours every night to ensure proper recovery.

This is what a sample day would look like for a high school athlete:

6:30am Breakfast (600-800 calories)- Eat a regular meal focused on healthy carbs and lean proteins- Eggs, toast, fruit, milk/ Oatmeal with fruit/ Granola and greek yogurt/ Green smoothie and eggs/ Whole wheat pancakes or waffles, nut butter, milk/ Avocado toast and fruit/ Whole wheat muffin, slice of ham, fruit/ Whole wheat bagel, eggs, ham, etc.

10:00am Mid-Morning Snack (about 100-300 calories)- Light snack of protein and carbs - Almonds/ Banana, celery, apple, or crackers with peanut butter/ String cheese and an apple/ Hummus and veggies/ Pretzels and peanut butter/ Small handful of trail mix, etc. (optional)

12:00pm Lunch (about 600-800 calories- Focus on healthy carbs, lean protein, and vegetables- Sandwich with deli meat, fruit, pretzels, carrots/ Chicken or veggie wrap and fruit/ Rice, lean beef, mixed veggies/ Pita wrap with hummus and veggies/ Bean burrito and veggies, etc.

2:30pm After-School/Pre-Workout Snack- 1-2 hours before workout (about 100-300 calories) - Eat something light but with carbs and protein - Hummus with whole wheat crackers and veggies/ Protein shake/ Greek yogurt with fruit and granola/ String cheese and crackers/ Trail mix/ Apple with peanut butter/ Cottage cheese and fruit/ Cold healthy cereal and milk.

5:00pm Post Workout Snack (about 100-300 calories)- Replenish and refuel with protein, carbs, and fluid (This snack is optional if dinner is soon after practice. Don’t forget lots of water!) - Protein shake or smoothie/ Chocolate milk/ Protein bar/ Energy bar (such as LARABAR)/ Greek yogurt with fruit. (optional)

6:30pm Dinner (600-800 calories)- Eat a regular meal. Focus on healthy carbs, lean protein, and vegetables- Fish, brown rice, broccoli/ Taco salad/ Chicken, sweet potato, and black beans/ Whole wheat pasta with sauce, meat, and veggies/ Turkey burger and steamed mixed veggies/ Chicken and veggie pizza.

8:00pm Evening Snack (about 100-300 calories)- Popcorn/ Smoothie popsicles/ Chips and salsa/ Yogurt and berries/ Apple and peanut butter. (optional)